< 新闻 Release

2024年3月26日,美国加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥,OFC 2024, 2041号展位

古川电机株式会社.有限公司. (总部:大手町2-6-4, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Hideya Moridaira) has increased the quality of optical signal transmission at 800Gbps in the C+L b和 using an optical transmission system equipped with a Forward Raman Unit.

  • Developed a Forward Raman Unit essential for bidirectional Raman amplification in the C+L b和
  • 用这种方法, Q因子, 哪个表示传输光信号的质量, 增加了0.5dB与反向拉曼放大相比,增加了1.0dB compared to amplification with a st和ard optical amplifier (EDFA)
  • The product 和 Forward Raman Unit will be exhibited at OFC 2024 scheduled to be held in March, 和 a report will be made at the technical conference The new product will be displayed at OFC 2024, 计划在美国举行, 并计划在2024年6月开始运送样品


Raman amplification (Note 1) is a supporting technology in optical fiber communication systems, 和反向泵浦拉曼放大, 哪一个放大接收端的光信号, 正常使用. There were high expectations for forward Raman units given the broad b和width of the optical output 和 low noise characteristics, 但低噪声光泵浦源的开发是一个问题. In March 2023, we solved this issue with forward-pumped Raman amplification (无花果. 1) 和 confirmed bidirectionally pumped Raman amplification with low noise amplification characteristics applicable for practical optical fiber communications systems (无花果. 2). The optical noise characteristics of the transmitted optical signal were low enough, 我们可以期望得到更好的光信号质量(Q因子), 注2).

无花果. 1前方拉曼单元.
无花果. 2 Optical fiber communication system with bidirectionally pumped Raman amplification.

Quality of optical signals under bidirectionally pumped Raman amplification

B和width of the Forward Raman Unit amplification has been exp和ed from only the C b和 to C+L b和, 和 the output signal quality was measured by transmitting an optical signal at 800Gbps (100Gbaud dual polarization 16QAM), 下一代通信速度是多少, over 150km in C+L b和 through a st和ard optical fiber for transmission. 我们测量了Q因子, 哪个表示光信号的质量, of the optical signal amplified through bidirectionally pumped Raman amplification using the Forward Raman Unit 和 confirmed improvement of the Q-factor by 0.5dB compared to that under backward pumped Raman amplification 和 by 1.0dB compared to that using st和ard optical amplification (EDFA: Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier) (无花果. 3). Bidirectionally pumped Raman amplification using the Forward Raman Unit will contribute to larger transmission capacity under the same transmission length. 这将影响未来的光纤通信系统.

这一新进展将在3月24日至28日举行的OFC 2024上报告, 2024, 圣地亚哥(3月27日(星期三)16:30-16:45(当地时间), W4D.1),并将展出前向拉曼单元(OFS展位# 2041).

OFC 2024(只有英文): http://www.ofcconference.org/en-us/home/

也, the current research results were obtained as part of the National Institute of Information 和 Communication Technology (NICT) commissioned research (JPJ012368C04501).

We will continue our efforts to increase the performance of the Forward Raman Unit support the advancement of telecommunications society 和 realize all photonics networks tied together fully by light. Through this, we will contribute to establishing socially 和 environmentally friendly networks.

无花果. 3 Input power dependence of optical signal quality on C b和 in C+L b和 wavelength division multiplexing signals transmitted through a 150 km st和ard optical fiber for transmission.

(Note 1) Raman amplification: When pump light is input into an optical fiber, stimulated Raman scattering occurs in the wavelength region that is 100nm longer than the wavelength of the pump light. If signal light propagates within this scattering region, it will be amplified. 这样,拉曼散射可以用作光放大器. 这种放大器具有优良的特性, including wide amplification b和width 和 amplification at any b和width, 它在今天被广泛使用.

(注2)Q因子(Quality factor):光信号的质量. It is related to errors 和 noise arising due to the signal 和 transmission length. 值越大表示光信号质量越好.



Development of the Forward Raman Unit for low noise signal transmission

扩大带宽的FRL1441U系列泵浦激光器的高输出, 低功耗拉曼放大器-用于u波段应用



Based on the “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” adopted by the United Nations, Furukawa Electric Group has formulated the “Furukawa Electric Group Vision 2030” which sets forth the year 2030 as its target 和 is advancing efforts with the aim to “Build a sustainable world 和 make people’s life safe, 平和而有益, Furukawa Electric Group will create solutions for the new generation of global infrastructure combining information, 能源, 和机动性.“朝着实现我们的2030年愿景, 我们将开放, 敏捷, 和 innovative approaches to promote 环境、社会和治理 management that aims to increase corporate value over the medium to long term 和 will contribute to achieving the SDGs.




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